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Mean What You Say, Say What You Mean, But Don't Say it Mean

 Join us on Feb 25, 1-2:30pm at Providence Church, 430 Hannum Ave. West Chester, PA

Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say, But Don't Say It MeanPeople talking,


At the core of all humanity, we are designed to live in relationships at home, work, and community.  How often do we harm those relationships by using careless, thoughtless words in daily communications? More importantly, we often do violence to ourselves with negative self-talk, self-criticism, and self-sabotaging our future aspirations.  This practical workshop will explore the words we use and identify how they hurt or help all our relationships. This workshop will help you say what you mean, mean what you say but don't say it mean.



Participants will leave with a better understanding of their own internal narrative such as

· Identifying limited or scarcity mindset

· Negative self-talk

· Stagnant thinking.


Paige  Harker, CTA Certified Life Coach

Michael Driscoll, JSCS Certified Life Coach



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